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Ideas & Inspiration for your journey

What's Sucking the Joy Out of Your Work?

Ever get halfway through a week and think, "WHAT AM I DOING? I'm so busy I can't even keep track of my work...let alone enjoy it!" 

If so, you're not alone. The pace of our world and the demands on our modern lives are at an all-time high, and the only way out is an intentional REVOLT and...

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Before You Can Fix Your Schedule burnout chaos effectiveness overworked priorities productivity schedule

Ever been frustrated with your schedule and wondered how you're going to fix it? In this video Gabe Kolstad shares what you have to do BEFORE you can fix your schedule. From how your calendar works to what you should be committing to, to what you should be eliminating, don't miss this practical...

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Why You Keep Saying Yes When You Should Say No balance burnout happiness overload overwhelm planning pressure priorities work workplace

You said yes, and now you wish you could say no. But it's too late and now you're committed. Correction, now you're over-committed.

If you're a leader, you've been there. And sometimes you can course correct, but sometimes you really can't reverse it - you just have to push through that...

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6 Signs It's Time to Prune busy help overbooked overwhelmed productivity pruning schedule stuck tired

You know the feeling. You've got too much going on and you're not sure what to do about it. Maybe it's the season our world is in, but I know so many people going through this right now. Are you one of them?

If you think you might be, here are 6 signs it's time to prune:

1. Fatigue


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The Cure for Your Fear afraid courageous fear frustration fulfillment help hope passion purpose vision

The Cure for Your Fear

Your fear doesn’t have to hold you back. In fact, some of the most amazing world-changers started out with some of the most debilitating fear of people.

Yet, if the fear of people is something you struggle with, you’re probably using it as an excuse.

Moses did....

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Stop Waiting for Permission #leader frustrated frustration hope leadership potential stuck

I've often felt stuck, and I imagine you have too. If so, you can probably visualize the situation. Like a beautiful apple that just sits there on the tree, almost ripe but not quite. Another day goes by, another 2 days. Then a week. It’s ready. A single drop of dew...

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Between Assignments: How Better Down-Time Leads to Better Up-Time

The time “between assignments” can be our worst. For an Enneagram 3 like me, it can be maddening, anxiety-producing and nerve-racking. Why? Because I’m not moving. I’m not producing. I’m not accomplishing. I’m not checking boxes. I’m not...

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How to Reach a Culture Not Interested in the Gospel evangelism gospel innovation jesus love ministry service

Our culture doesn’t care about Jesus.

I know, it sounds irreverent—but it’s true. The prevailing posture of our nation is rapidly equalizing on this issue, especially in a post-COVID world. As we all know, the coronavirus has only accelerated changes that were already in motion....

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Why Focusing Equally on Your Church and City Is Key to Growth churchgrowth churchplanting growth leadership outreach serving

A lot of churches are stuck and they don’t know why.

Trust me, I know this from experience. Years ago at my church we felt like we had examined every possible cause for our “slow-to-no” growth. We attended all the best conferences, read all the best books, and used all the best...

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5 Change Killers in Your Church change church leadership vision

The very fact that we’re leaders means we have to chart the course and make bold steps toward the destiny God has designed for us.

The problem is … it doesn’t always work. Change is a scary proposition for most people, and so it’s not always received with the enthusiasm...

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Leading Through Change Without Losing Your Soul leadingchange transition

Leading change in the church can be terrifying. No amount of advice, pep talks or planning can prepare you for the feeling that you’ve just jumped off a cliff. That’s because you know you’re trading safety and security for the dream of something bigger. You’re trading...

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A Crazy Idea That Will Increase Your Impact in Your City churchgrowth churchplanting impact ministry outreach time

Their eyebrows go up every time I talk about it.

“Am I allowed to do that?” “I don’t see how I could make that happen.” “Is it worth it?”

A few years ago I had the great privilege to host two California friends for a Portland workshop called Multiply...

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