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Ideas & Inspiration for your journey

The Soul Over the Goal: A Spiritual Leader's Reflection achievement balance burnout family life fatigue goals impact longevity soul care soulcare

In this fast-paced world full of demands and opportunities, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of setting and achieving goals. And hey, I'm a list-making, goal-setting, hour-stretching kind of person. Whether it’s growing your team, expanding your outreach programs, or...

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Seize 2024: Unleashing Your Potential by Taking New Territory 2024 achievement churchgrowth goals grief help moving on new year newyear personal growth potential resolutions stuck unstuck wellness

I’ve never jumped off the high dive. I’m kind of ashamed to admit that. I’ve jumped off the low dive and the medium dive, but never the high dive. I don’t quite know why, because I’m a decent swimmer and I actually like taking risks. But when I’m up there...

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