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How to Get Out of a Funk Fast: A Three-Minute Guide #discouragement #funk depression flipmyscript flipyourscript mindset optimism positive positive thinking positivity upbeat vibes

How to Get Out of a Funk Fast: A Three-Minute Guide

Have you ever found yourself in a funk, unable to shake off negative feelings or thoughts? It happens to all of us, but there’s a way to break free quickly. I want to share with you a simple, three-minute process that can help you flip...

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How to Fix Your Funk clarity confusion depression discouragement energy fatigue fog fresh joy peace power strength

The other morning I woke up in a funk. Fuzzybrain, feeling a little overwhelmed and wishing I could be transported to some tropical island. I’m sure you’ve had a moment like that before.

I’ve learned that my best weapon in these moments is my journal. No wonder they...

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