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Ideas & Inspiration for your journey

Are You Running On Low Power Mode? drained fatigue low power missing missing out more power tired

When was the last time your phone died part way into the day and you had to find a charger just to get back to basic functionality? It’s annoying isn’t it? We take for granted that our devices are going to last the whole day, but sometimes they don’t.

Well, our bodies and...

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The Soul Over the Goal: A Spiritual Leader's Reflection achievement balance burnout family life fatigue goals impact longevity soul care soulcare

In this fast-paced world full of demands and opportunities, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of setting and achieving goals. And hey, I'm a list-making, goal-setting, hour-stretching kind of person. Whether it’s growing your team, expanding your outreach programs, or...

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How to Fix Your Funk clarity confusion depression discouragement energy fatigue fog fresh joy peace power strength

The other morning I woke up in a funk. Fuzzybrain, feeling a little overwhelmed and wishing I could be transported to some tropical island. I’m sure you’ve had a moment like that before.

I’ve learned that my best weapon in these moments is my journal. No wonder they...

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