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Ideas & Inspiration for your journey

Seize 2024: Unleashing Your Potential by Taking New Territory 2024 achievement churchgrowth goals grief help moving on new year newyear personal growth potential resolutions stuck unstuck wellness

I’ve never jumped off the high dive. I’m kind of ashamed to admit that. I’ve jumped off the low dive and the medium dive, but never the high dive. I don’t quite know why, because I’m a decent swimmer and I actually like taking risks. But when I’m up there...

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Why Focusing Equally on Your Church and City Is Key to Growth churchgrowth churchplanting growth leadership outreach serving

A lot of churches are stuck and they don’t know why.

Trust me, I know this from experience. Years ago at my church we felt like we had examined every possible cause for our “slow-to-no” growth. We attended all the best conferences, read all the best books, and used all the best...

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A Crazy Idea That Will Increase Your Impact in Your City churchgrowth churchplanting impact ministry outreach time

Their eyebrows go up every time I talk about it.

“Am I allowed to do that?” “I don’t see how I could make that happen.” “Is it worth it?”

A few years ago I had the great privilege to host two California friends for a Portland workshop called Multiply...

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Building a Culture of Multiplication churchgrowth churchplanting multiplication teamwork

Making an impact doesn’t have to take a toll. As I write these words I’m in the middle of one of the “three-day study breaks” I’ve put on the calendar for this year. And let me tell you … it feels weird. I’m sitting in a coffee shop on the...

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